Friday, 9 February 2024

Dr. Ramdhan Hooda and his crops breed inventions!

B.R to Dr MSS.PL GO to Illustrated weekly,titles gene piracy of 1970/71,he was trying for this since nineties.late agriculture minister C.Subramanium made comment on his file ,he gave rice germplasm to irri, joined director,

It's wrong to call him father of green a scientist he gave no technology,as science administrator,he, didn't differentiate between a performer/non performer,his partially led to suicide of Dr.vinod Shah in iari, after that ARS system was created.he manipulated the content of lysine in wheat variety sarbati Sonora to help Dr Austin,who was related to P.C.Alexander,close to Indira Gandhi, promoted,Dr Kaul, related to kaul family close to Indira it was all done to get B.R.

Borlaug during first visit to India went to sonipat,to get blessings of Rao Ramdhan ji, I am witness to it.the dwarf varieties  were rejected by Rao saheb because in the absence of irrigation and fertilizers these were low yielder compare to tall varieties.rao saheb gave 38 varieties of different crops,his wheat varieties were popular in Australia, Mexico Asia and Latin America.In terms of quality even today there is no substitute for basmati 370 and C.306.during sixties 59% area under wheat in the country was occupied by varieties developed by Ramdhan ji . C.306 was progeny of cross from Rao saheb material,he also helped in selection of this  variety at Hisar farm,pt dhani Ram was associated with it  

Though MSS super intelligent man but to call him father of green revolution in the country is exaggeration.The real heroes of green revolution in the country are

Wheat:::mr mathur


Rice:G S Khush

Maize: Dhawan/Joginder Singh

The recognition    

of scientists in the country is very late,not respected.

When B S.Hooda was CM haryana we met him many times to install a statue of Rao saheb in Rohtak.but no action it's our culture,we don't recognise our own people

Dr. Bhim Singh Dahiya

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