Saturday, 7 May 2016

Sir Chhotu Ram a stooge of the British or A Defence strategist of international repute?

By: Colonel Mehar Singh Dahiya

During the course of my journey of the last few years as a social activist I have tried to understand various aspects of the Haryana society, be it the overall social panorama, social /cultural traditions of the people or the value system, self esteem /pride or understanding /practicing of the economic matters predominantly keeping the JATS in my focus .The reason for this is that they being large in number and many other reasons are practically the anchor of the society. The study of the society per se is difficult without deliberating on its leadership ie what the quality of leadership has been and to make a reasonable guess as to what it is likely to be in future. In this direction I took up the study of all the political activities of early 20 th century, when India or shall I say British India of those times was a cauldron or a boiling pot of multifarious activities .As if to add to the confusion came the GREAT WARS in Europe primarily but simultaneously effecting Middle East, North Africa or South East Asia. Since my aim in this write is not to deliberate on other leaders and the contribution they made except as a passing reference since I wish to focus on SIR CHHOTU RAM PER SE.

2.It was around 1920 that Chhotu Ram had a brief association with the POLITICAL MOVE MENT CALLED CONGERESS(it became a political party as we see it today much later ).In fact it will not be grossly wrong to say that the UNINIONST PARTY OR THE ZAMIDARA LEAGUE(Ch Chhotu Ram along with Fazal- e- Hussain was the CO-FOUNDER) was the first party t o establish themselves in India with their proper organizational set up /manifesto etc and took power ,functioned in all matters other than defense and foreign affairs, of course under the overall control of the governor general/viceroy. In those days there were two parts of India one under direct governance of the Raj and other divided in to 562 states with RESIDENT present in each to see that they remained in their senses/limits so to say. Late 19th and early 20 th century the whole world has been effected by whole lot of turbulent activities of various hue be they of social ,political or military reasons and INDIA was no exception. In this there was an opportunity which many could not see except Sir CHHOTU RAM, a visionary /astute leader who could foresee and encashed it purely for the deprived segment of the society whose cause was always dear to him. Gandhi arrived in India in Jan 1915 and by then lot of water had flown down the Yamuna/ganges. To remain confined to the Province of Punjab Ch Chhotu Ram was already on his LEGEDRY/ INCOMARABLE JOURNEY in the affairs of the province of Punjab specifically and at the level of affairs of India broadly.

3.Th strategy /methodology of different leaders of those days was also diverse, like some believed in purely constitutional methods, some believed in a a mix of constitutional /agitational where as on the other front some believed in purely confrontational .Obviously the ultimate aim of them all across the board has been an INDEPENDENT INDIA. In this there were few who were idealist with lofty ideas some were pragmatist some were too moralistic so to say but each one of them viewed the world through their own prisms. One issue that I wish to remain confirmed after giving this cursory view is DEFENCE POLICY OR THE SHAPE IT IS GOING TO TAKE POST INDEPENDENCE.I wish to say with a great amount of certainty that except Ch Chhotu Ram non other had even an idea, what to talk of a coherent view of the whole thing .

4.MA Jinnah once said “IT IS NOT A WISE THING TO AGITATE A HUNGRY AND EXPLOITED PEOPLE” because unless properly guided or channelized the whole energy may become self destructive and create an implosion. My understanding /interpretation is that this aspect would have remained etched deeply in ch chhotu ram’s psyche, because this aspect figures prominently in all his actions. To begin with He had a deep understanding of the matters at the grass root level, having literally risen from the dust and at the same time deeply identified with his people .NO OTHER LEADER OF THOSE TIME HAD SUCH AN ALL INCLUSIVE APPROACH, EVEN TRANSENDING ACCROSS TH RELIOGIOUS LINES, A TRULY SECULAR IN HIS THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS .I can say there is no other example IN THE WORLD HISTORY TO COMPARE WITH THIS.

When the FIRST WORLD WAR came Ch Chhotu Ram saw in it an opportunity for his hungry and exploited masses and by a well orchestrated campaign, the province of Punjab under his stewardship contributed immensely man, material and even money more to benefit his own people than for an alien cause.It is also worth while to say that the entire leadership was in total agreement to play a positive role in this war effort. To give an idea BRITISH ARMY whose strength was a motley 2 lacks expended to to over 10 lacks during and after the war of whom ,about 60 % came from Punjab alone .NO WONDER PUNJAB WAS CHRISTENED THE SWORD ARM OF BRITISH INDIA. Here lies the biggest question as to what did we achieve?.In my understanding we achieved TWO THINGS FIRSTLY, ALTERNATIVE SOURCE OF EMPLOYMENT FOR OUR YOUTH AND HENCE PROPER CHANNELIZING THEIR ENERGY AND SECOND IS INTERNATIONAL EXPOSURE WHICH POST DEMOBILISATION POST WW-1 CONTRIBUTED TO THE INDEPENDENCE STRUGGLE. ONE MORE IN FACT THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT WAS THAT POST INDEPENDENCE THE COUNTRY HAD A WELL TRAINED EXPERIENCED ARMY .NO OTHER NATIONAL LEADER INCLUDING THE MOST PROMINENT ONES, HAD AN IDEA ON THIS ISSUE.THEY INSISTED MORE ON MORALISTIC BONHAMMIE RATHER THAN HARD GROUND REALITIES/MILITARY THOUGHT.NO WONDER WE HAD TO FACE A NATIONAL DISGRACE IN 1962 FROM WHICH WE HAVE NOT FULLY RECOVERED TILL DATE.

It is to the above that I wish to draw the attention of the reader before he becomes judgmental and pass a wholly unsubstantiated view and paint a LEGENDARY PERSONA with the wrong brush. That time India had 11 provinces and based on the demonstrated performance, non measures up to PUNJAB’S performance .And the effect does not end there, after all who can deny that it is those elders of ours who went abroad in ww1&2 who on return brought ideas even for economic, social, educational even on living conditions etc which took roots in our society bearing fruits today when a large number from our among st are reaching to the highest level whether in military civil or other ventures . Like how many of us are aware that when it came to indianise the officer class in the army (INDIAN MILITARY ACA DEMY AT DEHRADUN WAS ESTABLISHED &SIR CHHOTU RAM JI WAS FOUNDER MEMBER OF THIS COMMITTEE UNDER SIR CHETWOOD) The journey commenced from SIR Chhotu Ram’s dreams to see his folks at the helm of affairs .With this I leave it to the reader to give an appropriate title and reply the question that I have raised as the title of this write up. BEFORE I END UP, WISH TO BRING TO NOTICE OF THE READER, THREE MAIN REASONS FOR THE BRITISH GRANTING FREEDOM TO INDIA.APART FROM THE DISQUIET IN THE DEFENSE FORCES AND POLITICAL ACTIVITIES THERE WAS AN ECONOMICAL ANGLE TOO (THE UPSETTING/DISTURBING BALANCE OF PAYMENT VIS A VIS POUND STERLING AND THE INDIAN RUPEE AND THE MAIN REASON WAS LIABILITY OF PAY, PERKS AND PENSION OF THE MOBILIZED INDIAN MANPOWER. SIR CHHOTU RAM JI WAS THE MAIN ARCHITECT AND PRINCIPAL PLAYER OF THIS ENTIRE STRATEGY TO HAVE WELL EXPERIENCED STANDING DEFENSE FORCES FOR INDEPENDENT INDIA. ALSO PERTINENT TO MENTION THAT HE WAS AN ICON EVEN FOR THOSE WHO WERE MILITARY MEN AND WERE PREPARED TO GO TO ANY EXTENT ON HIS CALLING (THE BRITISH KNEW IT TOO WELL AND WERE ALWAYS CONSCIOUS OF THIS WHILE DEALING WITH THIS LEGENDARY PERSONALITY/SON OF THE SOIL .IT CERTAINLY IS NO MEAN ACHIEVEMENT NO OTHER POLITICAL LEADER OF HIS TIMES, EVEN REMOTELY MEASURED UP TO HIM.

It is worthy of note that out of three main reasons for British granting independence, Sir Chhotu Ram was of major consequences in two of them. I politely suggest to our people specially those who pass a comment in a great hurry and on flimsy insight, to read and decide rather than pass on here say.


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