Friday, 4 December 2015

XX (female) and XY (Male) chromsomes gimmic is not a hard and fast principle for birth of particular gender!

I have a tripplet (one husband and two wives) in my knowledge. After birth of 5 girls in continuation from first couple, the first wife insisted her husband to marry her cousin sister. And so happened, the couple became tripplet. And here happened what challenges the chromosomic gimmic, the second wife gave birth to a boy from same husband.

Any doctor, scientist or professor, who would like to assess it with any scientific reason?

Man is generally considered responsible for which sex would take birth from his mating with his partner, but above said case side aligned the theory. Fatals the saga that it depends on male's chromosomes if it will be a boy or a girl. Here in this case it proved otherwise.

Phool Kumar Malik

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